25 Roses to Save a Life


The Foundation launches the #DonaTuRosa (Donate your rose) hashtag for Sant Jordi.

Each Sant Jordi, an average of 6 million roses are sold only in Catalonia.
That is why Doctor Clavel Foundation wants to give voice to its cause proposing a small gesture of solidarity. And this is that for the price of 25 roses, the Foundation would get the necessary resources to treat a patient with hydrocephalus in Adama, Ethiopia.

The #DonaTuRosa hashtag aims to encourage the population to allocate the money of a simple rose to the Foundation, to be able to finance with this symbolic gesture the solidarity missions they carry out in developing countries.

A rose is not a big deal, but 25 can save a life. That's why this Sant Jordi, do not give away your rose, donate it.


